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• The Forge can be used in a variety of ways depending on your needs by purchasing, modifying, and disassembling equipment.

• Purchasing consists of items sold at the blacksmith, and can be purchased by paying resources.

• Convertion can give equipment attributes to make it more powerful.

• Disassemble allows you to obtain various loot by disassembling equipment.

• The Forge can be entered through the forge in the lower sub-menu of the appointment screen.


1. Purchase

• This is a list where you can purchase items sold at the Forge

• You can purchase equipment on the screen.


1 Item list

• Shows a list of updated equipment and items.

• You can select an item to purchase from the list.

• Item Description


2 Donate

• Pay gold based on remaining refresh time and pull refresh time to 30 minutes.

• You can donate only once per day.


3 Refresh

• The list of items will be refreshed after the time has elapsed.

• It will be updated immediately when you use the Sage's Wis.


4 Batch Purchase

• This is a function that allows you to purchase items in the list in batch

• Items that have been purchased will be sent to the warehouse, and items cannot be purchased if there is no empty space in the warehouse.

Forge ID1.png

5 Purchase

• Purchase the selected item.

• Purchased items are sent to the warehouse, and items cannot be purchased when there is no empty space in the warehouse.


2. Dismantle screen

• Dismantle is a function that allows you to obtain loot by disassembling your equipment.

• When disassembling, only grade 2 and 3 equipment can be disassembled, and equipment that is being equipped cannot be disassembled.


1 Item list

• A list of items you have is displayed, excluding one-time items.

• Select an item to disassemble.

• Single, multiple, and batch disassemble are possible.

• Item Description




2 Classification

• This is a function that allows you to view the equipment items to be disassembled by part.


3 Batch disassemble

• This is a function that can disassemble items that can be disassembled in batches.

• When the disassemble is complete, the loot is sent, the loot is sent to the safe.

(Items cannot be disassembled when there is no empty space in the safe.)

Forge ID1.png

4 Disassemble

• Click the corresponding button to disassemble the selected item.

• When the disassembly is complete, the loot is sent, the loot is sent to the safe.

(Items cannot be disassembled when there is no empty space in the safe.)


5 Disassemble results

• The following loot can be obtained when dismantling.

• When disassembling, the number of acquisitions varies depending on the grade.

(10 loot is randomly obtained when dismantling rank 2, and 100 loot when disassembling rank 3)

Forge ID3.png

3. Convertion

• This is the ability to modify equipment and give properties to equipment.

• You can modify your equipment in the screen below.


1 List of items to be convert

• Shows a list of items to be convert


2 Classification, Warrior

• You can categorize and check items, and the number of warriors currently wearing the item is also displayed.


3 Item information

• Shows the information of the selected item.

• The text color changes according to the main stats.


4 Attribute

• Displays the equipment assigned attributes.

• You can give new attributes or replace existing ones by converting them.

• A maximum of 1 attribute can be assigned to each part.

• You can give new attributes or replace existing ones by converting them.

• It is possible to return to the previous attributes by clicking the right button.

• You can undo 3 times a day for free.

• If you undo it after 3 times, it consumes the Sage's Wis.


5 Special loot

• When using special loot, only attributes within a specific category appear.

• The special loot used is determined by the part of the equipment item, and its attributes depend on the item classification and grade.

• The available special loot varies according to the item classification, and the required number depends on the rank.

ID-Forge 04 (1).png
ID-Forge 05 (1).png

6 Use of goods when converting

• Shows resources and loot used to convert equipment.

• Equipment convert cost 1,000 gold and 1,000 iron each.

• The number of loot used depends on the equipment class.

7 Convertion

• Click the corresponding button to proceed with the Convertion.

(Attribute items granted and changed when convert)

* Even with the same attribute, attributes given to different parts are added up.

* Additional damage increase - Unlike increase in attack power, increase in final damage

• Public Properties - Content

• Public Properties - Content

* When converting, one of the attributes is randomly assigned.

* When converting using special loot, one of the attribute effects for each equipment part is randomly given.

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